Mystery shopping is not a new research method in its most basic form. Essentially, it is the use of trained, professional mystery shoppers who impersonate customers and interact with a business in a real-life environment. However, mystery shopping can take on many different forms and a multitude of different scenarios can be tested in a variety of different ways based on the company’s needs.
In its most basic form, it is a standards audit undertaken by an external, unbiased person. However, this is just the start and the nature of the interaction as well as how it is being tested has virtually no bounds.
The Clear Strategy Company prides itself on always being able to craft and design a mystery shopping solution to neatly dovetail with our clients’ needs. We see every challenge as something to be solved, and we have never hit a dead-end when trying to execute even the most complex interaction.
To find out more or to test our ability to ‘make a plan’ for your mystery shopping needs, contact
Richard Rice at or on 0836274855